Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pain At The Back Above The Waist


in 1958 (prehistoric?) I started preparing my thesis in chemical engineering thesis entitled "Process for the production of high purity silicon for electronics." The theoretical and experimental development work of the process was done in the laboratories of the Institute of Metallurgy, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome. took about 18 months.
In this period, although still a student, I have received from Montecatini Company (later Montedison) a monthly salary of 30,000 lire equal to about 15 €. To underline the fact that in that period industry worker received 13 months of 40-50 thousand pounds per month.
In parallel a colleague of mine was studying the processes of production and use of rocket propellants dodecaborani as possible. A salary similar to mine was being paid by NASA.
Beginning 1960 we graduated.
The Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome led us to participate in the program for the creation of two separate industrial projects. I do not know about the decisions of my colleague at NASA. I have followed for a short period in the development phase of the pilot experimental process developed by me, then I changed employer transfer, for my choice, abroad where I worked on other research and development.
Neither NASA nor the Montedison bought power, and therefore opportunity to control, within the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome.
The benefits have derived from the operation can be summarized as follows:
- frequent contact with faculty to check work progress and discuss any changes to the programs.
- suggestions based on the experience of industrial companies and discussions aimed at achieve improvements in cost and time estimates.
- trial of an experimental laboratory which later, once the validity verificatone on pilot plant, has allowed the construction of the plant Merano.
I repeat: until production of the draft paper at the end of the experimental work of research, decision making (within the budget set by Montecatini) has remained in the hands of the Director of the Institute of Metallurgy of the Faculty of Engineering of 'University of Rome.

If this is been made during the period 1958-1960 do not see why, as a result of imbecility politicastri many who have put their hands on teaching (as an example worth: Iervolino, Berlinguer, Fioroni), Italy would continue to reject the initiative of private.
This not only allows state agencies to put in important construction projects, projects that the state generally would not have the ability to finance, but at the same time part of the researcher in mind the concepts of time, yields and profits. (The MIT-USA is the worldwide symbol of this mentality and this modus operandi).
Warning: they want the most private good.
state objects: we do more with universities Scamuffa?
State! Work hard to select them, someone close so as to improve the standard is dedicated to what your limited funds for university research.
Sorry for those who still believe the frescacce Marxian or Marxist! If there are individuals nutshell, with rare exceptions (see Manhattan Project), the search goes to fuck off.


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