Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flu Like Symptoms Since I Quit Smoking

Silver Medal with Scroll of civic value

Carlo, Swiss Association
Silver Medal with Scroll of civic value

The ceremony aims to make clear the better side of our city, recognizing the people on the that actions in daily life are exerting themselves and are distinguished by their sense of civic duty towards the people and for the protection of our city and our country, becoming an example to others, raising the values \u200b\u200bneeded to live together, in the name of legality.

The program is this: 10.30 Concert by the Brass Band of the Brigade "Garibaldi", at around 11:30 greetings from the institutions and to monitor delivery of the silver medal and parchment, closing the ceremony with the playing of the National , all will be held in the courtyard of the Palazzo Reale di Napoli in Piazza del Plebiscito.

have been a member of the Committee on the Director of the Rome Daily Dr. Antonio Sasso, Mr. Anthony Tafuri, Dr. John Docimo, Professor Armida ND Parisi and Dr. Anna Docimo president of Regional Women of the Red Cross, which has been named President of the Commission to decide the recipients of merit, including the most famous names is Lt. Gen. Dr. Roberto Jucci, the Dr. Guido Bertolaso, Gen. Div Franco Giannini, Direct. Firefighters Rule Mr. Salvatore Perrone, Captain Fire Department Mr. Ugo Bonessio, Mr. Salvatore Greek, Mr. President Pasquale Sansone Diving Club "Massimo D'Asta," Superintendent of Police Mr. Salvatore Fascetti.

The ceremony will receive a special message from the President of the Republic, and received the patronage of the Council of Ministers of Ministry of the Interior, of the Campania Region and the Province of Naples.

Carlo, Swiss Association
President Nicholas Perna

Via Veterinaria 14 - Naples
www.carlolacatena.c om

Managing Editor Mark Frascogna

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rose Garden Basketball Seating Chart

Corpus Christi. A young artist realizes torrese Montesarchio a carpet of colored sawdust

During the religious solemnity of Corpus Christi to be held Sunday, June 14, 2009 Montesarchio, province of Benevento, a young Greek artist Torre del Rosario Garofalo, created within the Parish of St. John the Baptist, in church SS. Annunziata in Piazza Umberto I, a carpet of colored sawdust.
"The Triumph of the Eucharist and the Glory of St. Nicholas" is the title of the work, about 8 feet square, commissioned by the City of Montesarchio torrese artist within the cultural twinning, promoted by the "Prometheus" Tower of Greek, headed by Francesco Manca, between the towns of Torre del Montesarchio and Greek. The two cities, in fact, share the organization's traditional "Festival of Altars", a cultural event that aims to enhance the art and technique of the 'Altar' and the "rug."
Abbey of S. Nicola, SS.Messa after 18.00 hours, will start that will continue the historic procession through the streets until you reach Piazza Umberto I set up where the traditional and artistic "Altars".

Managing Editor Mark Frascogna

Will Sv2000 Dvd Recorder Play Avi

Pozzuoli Città Futura

For the first time on the seafront of Pozzuoli, completely redeveloped and named in honor of Sandro Pertini will host an event for children. Inflatable games, dancers, break dancers, skaters The entire waterfront will be divided into four different areas: an inflatable, another dedicated to exhibitions, a wine tasting and other animation, all with the intention of creating a show unique in its kind and aimed at raising awareness and involvement of citizens Puteolana towards the use of public areas. Pozzuoli is called city of the future event to be held Friday June 12 at the waterfront Sandro Pertini, the protagonists are children, moral guardians and beneficiaries of these spaces. In addition to the vision of circus shows, clowns and jugglers, stilt walkers there is' great expectations for the 1000 grand final when well colored balloons will take flight and majorettes will perform on skates in a Disney parade throughout the seaside.

in children's play areas will be also made and installed Totem that will bring the two most important phrases that the children have thought about for the city of Pozzuoli. The event, promoted and sponsored by the town of Pozzuoli Campania region and will use active participation in the prestigious UNICEF. The coordination of the event and 'entrusted' Edenlandia "and the cultural association" MAGMA "active and present in the area through various projects of cultural development.

The idea comes from the cultural sensitivity and affinity of Maria Rosaria De Luca, Domenico Giustino and Pasquale Manduca who contributed and participated actively in the creation of this progetto.Un has provided important support to the company '"Infrafregrea Project", which in addition to the effective implementation of the work, always helps, with enthusiasm and participation in the development of projects aimed at cultural and social development of' Phlegrean area.

addition to school boards and secondary schools of First Instance of the town of Pozzuoli, the parish of the Sacred Heart Gerolomini to "intervene

Antonio Bassolino, President of the Campania Region
Pasquale Giacobbe, Mayor of Pozzuoli
Margaret Dini Ciacci, UNICEF Regional President Naples


Managing Editor Mark Frascogna