closed his eyes. the stage lights were blinding ... tried to concentrate on his breath. He tried to focus on the slow rhythm of his steps that lingering uncertainty about the new shoes shiny black lacquer. He could not calm her hands. Sweated and felt she did not dominate as it should. between these thoughts are found in the center of the stage. behind her, in her silk dress black, light and ethereal, she was the orchestra. The director looked at her smiling and taking her hand. He noticed that trembled and tried, tighten up, to inspire courage. It was his first concert in a long time. There was something missing in his life as essential, there was no music and no music was like no air in the lungs, without force, without blood in the veins, with no life ...
deep breath. The director looked at her straight in the eye waiting for a look of strong approval. She stared at him hard. They began the first notes of the concert. The cellos were moving like waves of the sea in a storm. Suddenly the violins weave invisible in this sea in revolt, then the rest of the flutes. He gave a breath and began his own. The sweetness of the engulfed Mendelssohn intoxicated. He let himself be guided by the invisible force of the world forgetting, disappointments, love, sadness, everything was understood and canceled it, in a perfect harmony and indissoluble. Rose to something infinite that made her feel better for a moment ...
And then silence. To emphasize the perfection of music, to give time for viewers to feel the cold and desolation and desire only to dive back into that world of sounds, in that world of true perfection ...
The applause was genuine. He bowed holding the hand of the director, the long blond hair swaying harmonious sliding forward. The light of the stage Spenser. E di nuovo felt freddo.
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