Thursday, March 3, 2011

When Does Baby's Head Drop

C OSA not D E F

On 17 March 2011 will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. An organizing committee, under the "professional guide, Giuliano Amato is preparing impressive, although some criticized the festivities. We, the people ox, we are happy to hear you talk about the high level of barter: "I March 17 give you and you take off on November 4. "(June 2 to suppress does not speak at this time, there is always the danger that Emanuele Filiberto, Crown Prince of state television, organize a beautiful restoration of the monarchy! )
"But I also want the 4 or 5 May, the feast of Padania," Calderoni said.
imagine that very soon there will be an official request to extend the Feast of San Gennaro also in Val d 'Aosta! Fortunately the only person authorized to make such a request has resigned on March 3.
I can say "how sad" or I get accused of defeatism?
We instead listing the dates that we celebrate not .
No carousel police. No ceremony in any palace in Piedmont. No celebration of the sources of the Po Maybe even a single year zero, BallarĂ² or matrix.
We expect some symbolic blather on Capitol Hill during the 54 years of the Treaties of Rome.

The Treaty of Paris , prepared at the initiative of French political Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman with the aim of pooling the coal and steel in a Europe of six countries: Belgium , France, West Germany , Italy, Luxembourg , Netherlands, was signed the April 18 1951.
This was considered a great and promising first step towards a form (not well defined) the unification of Europe, if not politically, at least in the economic and commercial matters.

EEC March 25, 1957
Thus, only a few years later :
the EEC Treaty, signed in Rome on March 25, 1957 , brings together France, Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries in a community with a view to integration through trade with a view to economic expansion. With the Maastricht Treaty, the EEC became the European Community, which expresses the will of Member States to expand the Community's powers in non-economic sectors.

NB. There is also Algeria in the EEC in 1957, French rule in that year still!

EFTA instead was created May 3, 1960 as an organization of free trade between countries component that, for reasons of defense of its sovereignty, did not wish to integrate into future (!!!) political Europe. The EEC was in fact in the meantime become European Union (EU).

EFTA States

Austria, From nimarca, Norv egia, Portugal, Sweden , Switzerland, United Kingdom

EU a bit 'at a time - hard

map already shows more or less official Turkey but ... who knows.

° No, at least in Italy, you dream to teach the anthem in schools. ° No, at least in Italy, can tell what it means to be truly European.
° No, at least in Italy, try to explain that, in compliance with local laws, you can live in Milan, Berlin, Tallinn and Copenhagen, or, having the qualifications and ability, look for a job in a of those areas.
° Very few, at least in Italy, read the aborted draft constitution.
· Almost none knows all the laws (directives) European standards in Italy.
° Perhaps no one thinks that Europe, with a little 'good will, could become a functioning reality.


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