According to Wikipedia: The term
beam can have different meanings:
- fasces
- Beam (political)
- fascia ( Muscle )
The fasces , invention of nearly two thousand years before the guillotine, is actually the necessities for the trip to serve their sentences corporal. These ranged from whipping (by pipes) to the cutting head, through the use of the ax embedded in the set.The beam (political) is that in the minds of the leaders of a party symbolized the unity and strength of the movement. The threat was declared the same, but manifested itself in ways more suggestive than with practical applications. The meaning of the symbol "Beam political" and in time became one of "unity is strength."The bundle (muscle) go off topic even though the lictor leading tool in the shoulder, had to be necessarily gifted.
There is no doubt that when Mascelloni was put into the mind to recreate the splendor of ancient Rome, he thinks the fasces, thus abandoning the concept of pure political beam. Fortunately, it seems to me that the experiments of transport in the shoulder of the fasces by hierarchs and bacon or more eligible avant-garde, you are limited to paper mache statues handle more easily than those who oppressed the lictors ancient Rome.The moment has come to our mind to go to war, the fasces has easily transformed into beam Combat.In any case, the beam was created to create the fascists. These have nothing to do with the carrying beam, or lictors. They are, rather, or would-be bureaucrats. Some of them have experience on the shoulders of the First World War. They encourage young people to follow their bold footsteps, developing under new athletic practice in a country like Italy. The tragic aspect of the whole system comes out when there is maxiconfusione between aspirations sports, military and art that are simultaneously encouraged at all levels of education. The majority of the population is to be convinced that people of navigators, thinkers, artists, scientists ... which is being touted. Nothing is impossible, just get involved. And so there is also committed in the wars. Africa, Spain, and then that there was so long sleeves that no tailor, as skilled, he could heal him.Here ends the adventure of beams.
That yes! But not for the fascists.enough to think that young people like Giorgio Almirante, Romualdi, Michelini give life to a party of nostalgia, which soon attracts those young people: The Italian Social Movement (MSI).The beam is of course rescued, but as a symbol that, unlike the competitor with the hammer and sickle, is banned by law, is only used on banners and stored in the MSI section of the dirt walls of the systematic city. This task is reserved for young people.Among young people who are? This Gianfranco Fini. But no! Him? Yes, and many others. Let me be clear: all born after the collapse of fascism, the real him, but, all fascinated by the daring, uniforms, symbols, amorpatrio, central decision-making.The movement has some success. In a specific, unique opportunity even produce a head of government, such Tambroni. It 's the time when the Communists still eat the children: therefore, a few hours of riots in the streets, enough to clear the new government. Let's face it. Not very democratic. But it was not very subtle. Italy was then divided into priests, communists, fascists and socioliberalrepubblicani.In the ensuing uproar election MSI consolidates its position. And our Gianfranco? He is still a baby. Born in 1952.His father, a volunteer of the Italian Social Republic Infantry Division in St. Mark's paternal grandfather, who died in 1970 , was part of PCI . The mother, the daughter of a gentleman who had attended the March on Rome . E 'Gianfranco clear that a predisposition to politics and all its Rogne we have in the blood.He began his political career in Youth Front, youth organization of the Italian Social Movement .
In 1977 became national secretary of the Youth Front, by the will of Giorgio Almirante.
journalist by profession, in 1983 is elected for the first time the Chamber of Deputies . Reelected in 1987 in September of that year the feast of the party in Mirabello, Almirante ran the publicly as his successor as secretary of the party.
MSI MSI-DN in the meantime become
Missing Giorgio Almirante in 1988, is the National Secretary of MSI. Various events led him to organize held in Fiuggi. On this occasion, becomes President of National Alliance (AN) being heir to the MSI.
So: it has become a true professional politics. Berlusca first as if the associated AN (Allied), then as co-founder of People of Freedom. This raises perhaps the classic snake within or had mistaken for a snake?
by Gianfranco minister denies Mascelloni, asks for forgiveness to Israel. As president of the Chamber attitude changes again: Become a moralist, rod, hates the league but does not say so openly, customs clearance the term "bullshit", establishes friendly relations with the judiciary, avoid talking about monarchies, particularly that of the Grimaldi family, it shares with D'Alema passion for the sea, no longer requires that a beam the domain hills of Rome is also met for a Hammer and Sickle (if not the Biscione !)
Gianfranco But rap is in turn. Donna Assunta publicly scolds him and reminds him (I believe this): all but federalism.
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