Friday, January 7, 2011

Vietnam Store Salieri

poneba to think if siempre sobre el porque de la vida, sobre el sentido profundo de amar y el Sufre ...
solutions and this was never permetiba you progress in your questions and a knowledge of the world ...
but I knew that until we find the strength and to freedom from you were to put myself never to live well with others and you always find dipendiente and seeking attention and approval ... but when you understand this and you get to exploit your weaknesses and not be afraid of appearing imperfect in this momiento going Discovering meaning to freedom ... until it centers around the world between you will be fleeting, empty, you will be with heridsas simpre and delusions ... but know some who are and who want to help you live with more peace what happens to you, and know that some things too much ma danan therein is also suffering crescimiento la llave de el, y de Sufre if aceptas de manera activa no pasiva however, vas a ver el mundo y sabes diferiente with ojos que la vida todas estas Preguntas you to contest ...
omnia mea mecum


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