Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sdhc Convert To Ms Duo

omnia mea mecum wind

bambino gli occhi il suo verso father. cercava comfort in a sad pensiero che assillava it. Qual è il senso della vita? e di fatto è Quets sensory thing?
sapeva però, e questo so rendeva tranquillo, che non l'avrebbe suo delusa father. Ruppe il silenzio with sua domanda. Anche gli occhi di suo di tristezza father if veiled. non so sapeva. But a consensus
non può senza living man can not live without a view ...
and what then is this so? there is no answer, everyone should seek his own, his horizon to escape the sadness when you invade, when hope seemed abandoned, the same horizon that allows you to be strong and happy to be you, to have a direction. ... and no matter what name has quetso wind blows and pushes your ship, it does not matter, what matters is to let the glider remains open, is still lying, which relies on power from wind, who knows at that sunset you are conducting ...


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