I decided to open my blog today because tonight there will be before the bell G. Donizetti at the Teatro della Fortuna in Fano and I will give my life to Madame Rosa, finally a comic role. I loved her very much because it is very different to me. Meanwhile, enjoy some pictures from behind the scenes "of the General last night.

with the legendary Alfonso Antoniozzi, my Don Annibale

with director Mauro Avogadro

with Maestro Matteo Beltrami

with Vultaggio and Beltrami

with the assistant director Ola Cavagna

with Mirca Rosciani

with actor Martin d'Amico (Spyridon in Bell)

with Chiara and Tarabotti Giorgia Borgaccio
Here are some nice shots of the "masquerade" which followed the second performance of the Bell Fano:

with Chiara Tarabotti for the occasion becomes a Pierrot

with Alice and Rachel, the secretary of the Art Theatre of Fortune

with Giorgia Borgaccio

with Maestro Beltrami transformed into original page Renaissance!

with Roberto De Candia and his girlfriend Daniela

Serena Magi with the costume designer and seamstresses Carbonari Elena and Anna Albano

with the Superintendent Simone Brunetti

with my husband Cesare

with Stefania Donzelli
Some thoughts on Madame Rosa and Bell:
Donizetti, as a great man of the theater he was, he conceives dialogues between Madame Rose and Don Annibale in a crescendo of double meanings (which are also in the recitatives of 1837 - eg. words like gallops, galloping, breast, etc.). The diction and timing are essential theatrical comedy-shoulder to bring out the ridiculousness inherent in the text.
The scene of the "key" in our reading, was intended as a tribute to the sexy Italian comedy from the 50s - 60's and a parody of erotic movie page (the Sandrelli in The Key and Tinto Brass all his films). This is a comic character like that awkward and funny and exasperating or on my nerves, no half measures. The instances of parody for the construction of this character are: walks up the pin as the Monroe in "Some Like It Hot" (obviously exaggerated and ridiculed), the famous strip of Loren Mastroianni (but rebuilt in the second version of the two actors in modern times), Anna Magnani in Bellissima (Serafina when he sings), the comedy of the Vitti "cabbage", the film Malizia by Samperi Thanks to aunt etc.. - Two hours of makeup and wigs to aging and the elderly and the game abbruttimento and nymphomaniac ugly (I think even the Mazzamauro Fantozzi in the series) is made, a minimum charge of citations made to the Italian cinema through the comedy of a lens distorted by exaggerated ' carnival atmosphere.
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