Thursday, December 17, 2009

Toddler Irregular Heartbeat Night

IV "Diploma" Befana Charity "

IV "Diploma" Befana Charity "

Participation : OM - YL - SWL around the world.

Period: from 00:00 UTC on January 1, 2010 at 24:00 UTC on January 3, 2010

Bands : HF (3.5 to 7 -14)

Mode : SSB - CW - RTTY - PSK

Categories : SSB - CW

Digital (RTTY, PSK31)


The rankings are drawn digital and mixed in the presence of at least 3 (three) competitors.

Reports : Stations of the RTD pass YLRCI and serial number, need not stop time.

Links : They can be connected to all members of YLRCI YL and OM stations accredited. There will 'also a station with a daily call IQ5YL , YLRCI official name, which will be released' surprise without notice and will have 'too the value of 5 points as the Jolly station.

Call: The call will be 'done with the sentence: "CQ CQ Diploma Befana benefits."

- The same station, as well as Jolly station, you may 'be more connected' time as long as' there is a change of date, band or mode.

- If the connection is carried out in different band or mode on the same date, this should be done at least 10 (ten) minute interval.

- Special station IQ5YL once a day, regardless of mode or band.

Score: QSO / HRD with members sympathetic to the OM YLRCI 2 points

QSO / HRD with members of the YL YLRCI 3 points

QSO / HRD with Jolly and IQ5YL 5 points

Diploma: The Diploma will be 'issued on request to those who have achieved the following score:

Italian stations 20 points

stations are not Italian, 10 points

Awards : You will be rewarded with a picture depicting the figure of the Befana gold leaf on the winner of each category, and ranked first foreigner (in the presence of at least three competitors)

Documentation required : - Extract / copy the log (showing the date, time, band, mode) or digital copy of the log (file. Dbf or. Xls)

- A QSL staff

- Proof of payment of the sum of 10 € or $ 15

Sending sum must 'be made by payment placed on paper-no pay. 4023 6004 6737 5939 headed to Gabriella Mollura.

The documentation with the application for the award must 'send all' Award Manager:

IK3CXG Mollura Gabriella - Via A. Fogazzaro 10-36013 Piovene Rocchette - (VI)

no more 'later February 28, 2010 (fara' postmark).

clear signal about the log category for which you compete.


The net amount collected will be 'donated to "Make - a - wish Italy Onlus" association which takes care of fulfilling the wishes of children with serious illnesses, whose activities' can be known in detail by visiting the association:

connections made during the graduation, as well as those made on other occasions with members of YLRCI shall be valid for the achievement of Diplomas of the Permanent YLRCI: Friendship, Gioconda, Euroyl, check your log. More information about ns. site: / ylrci


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